Fighter | Ranger | Wizard
Required level: 1 | Available points: 29
Fighter points: 0 | Ranger points: 0 | Wizard points: 0
Anextli's Grimoire
Fan of Flames
Arcane Veil
Grimoire Snap
Missile Salvo
Beothel's Grimoire
Corrosive Siphon
Parasitic Staff
Arcane Veil
Grimoire of Elements
Chill Blades
Fan of Flames
Jolting Touch
Arcane Veil
Grimoire of Embers
Fan of Flames
Ring of Fire
Meteor Shower
Grimoire of Entropy
Corrosive Siphon
Parasitic Staff
Pull of Eora
Grimoire of Greater Elements
Bristling Frost
Crackling Bolt
Grimoire of Rime
Bristling Frost
Blast of Frost
Freezing Pillar
Grimoire of Sparks
Jolting Touch
Grimoire Snap
Spirit Lance
Missile Salvo
Grimoire of Storms
Jolting Touch
Crackling Bolt
Returning Storm
Grimoire of the Spellblade
Arcane Veil
Grimoire Snap
Spirit Lance
Od Caura's Grimoire
Chill Blades
Ring of Fire
Returning Storm
Pull of Eora
Charge Active
Cost: 20 Essence
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Rank 1 (1): Dash forward and smash into anything in your way, interrupting enemies and dealing Explosive Damage to break enemy Blocks, destroy walls, and shatter frozen enemies for bonus damage.
Rank 2 (5): Increases the distance traveled during Charge by 100%
Rank 3 (8): Increases the Stun dealt by Charge by 50%
Dash forward and smash into anything in your way, interrupting enemies and dealing Explosive Damage to break enemy Blocks, destroy walls, and shatter frozen enemies for bonus damage.
Armored Grace
Armored Grace Passive
Rank 1 (1): Decreases the Stamina penalty for Medium and Heavy armor by 15.
Rank 2 (5): Decreases the Stamina penalty for Medium and Heavy armor by 25.
Rank 3 (8): Decreases the Stamina penalty for Medium and Heavy armor by 30.
Decreases the Stamina penalty for Medium and Heavy armor by 15.
Shield Bash
Shield Bash Passive
Cost: 15 Essence
Cooldown: 3 seconds
Rank 1 (1): Attacking while holding Block slams your shield forward to Stun, push back, and interrupt enemies.
Rank 2 (1): Increases Stun dealt by Shield Bash.
Rank 3 (5): Increases the distance enemies are pushed back by Shield Bash.
Attacking while holding Block slams your shield forward to Stun, push back, and interrupt enemies.
Constant Recovery
Constant Recovery Passive
Duration: 12 seconds
Rank 1 (1): After taking damage, slowly regenerate 50% of the last amount of Health lost.
Rank 2 (5): After taking damage, slowly regenerate 75% of the last amount of Health lost.
Rank 3 (8): After taking damage, slowly regenerate 100% of the last amount of Health lost.
After taking damage, slowly regenerate 50% of the last amount of Health lost.
Toughness Passive
Rank 1 (1): Increases your Maximum Health by 20%.
Rank 2 (5): Increases your Maximum Health by 35%.
Rank 3 (8): Increases your Maximum Health by 45%.
Increases your Maximum Health by 20%.
Barbaric Shout
Barbaric Shout Active
Cost: 40 Essence
Duration: 30 seconds
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Rank 1 (5): Let out a fearsome roar that interrupts enemies and empowers you against larger foes. Your weapon attacks become Uninterruptable and deal higher Stun.
Rank 2 (8): Barbaric Shout grants Temporary Health and Taunts all nearby enemies.
Rank 3 (10): Increases the duration by 10 seconds.
Let out a fearsome roar that interrupts enemies and empowers you against larger foes. Your weapon attacks become Uninterruptable and deal higher Stun.
Bleeding Cuts
Bleeding Cuts Passive
Rank 1 (5): Power Attacks with axes and great swords deal Bleed Accumulation.
Rank 2 (8): Increases the Bleed Accumulation dealt by Bleeding Cuts.
Rank 3 (10): Greatly increases the Bleed Accumulation dealt by Bleeding Cuts.
Power Attacks with axes and great swords deal Bleed Accumulation.
Iron Fists
Iron Fists Passive
Rank 1 (6): Unarmed attacks are Fine quality and can break wooden barriers and explosive barrels.
Rank 2 (11): Unarmed attacks are Exceptional quality.
Rank 3 (16): Unarmed attacks are Superb quality.
Rank 4 (11): Unarmed attacks are Legendary quality.
Unarmed attacks are Fine quality and can break wooden barriers and explosive barrels.
Devastating Criticals
Devastating Criticals Passive
Rank 1 (5): Critical Hits with melee weapons deal 30% more damage.
Rank 2 (8): Critical Hits with melee weapons deal 50% more damage.
Rank 3 (10): Critical Hits with melee weapons deal 60% more damage.
Critical Hits with melee weapons deal 30% more damage.
Brawn Passive
Rank 1 (5): Increases damage with two-handed melee weapons by 25%.
Rank 2 (10): Increases damage with two-handed melee weapons by 40%.
Rank 3 (15): Increases damage with two-handed melee weapons by 50%.
Increases damage with two-handed melee weapons by 25%.
Power Jump
Power Jump Active
Cost: 30 Essence
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Rank 1 (10): Press crouch while in the air to slam to the ground, interrupting nearby enemies. The area of effect and amount of Stun dealt increases based on your fall height.
Rank 2 (13): You are immune to non-lethal fall damage while Power Jumping. The damage dealt to enemies scales with the height of your fall.
Rank 3 (15): Power Jump costs 0 Essence.
Press crouch while in the air to slam to the ground, interrupting nearby enemies. The area of effect and amount of Stun dealt increases based on your fall height.
Unbreakable Passive
Rank 1 (10): Decreases the Stamina cost when Blocking by 25%.
Rank 2 (13): Decreases the Stamina cost when Blocking by 45%.
Rank 3 (15): Decreases the Stamina cost when Blocking by 60%.
Decreases the Stamina cost when Blocking by 25%.
Stunning Blows
Stunning Blows Passive
Rank 1 (10): Power Attacks with maces and two-handed hammers deal +25% Stun.
Rank 2 (13): Power Attacks with maces and two-handed hammers deal +40% Stun.
Rank 3 (15): Power Attacks with maces and two-handed hammers deal +50% Stun.
Power Attacks with maces and two-handed hammers deal +25% Stun.
Built to Destroy
Built to Destroy Passive
Rank 1 (10): Destroying things restores a small amount of Health and Essence, with excess converted to Regen. Melee Power Attacks can break destructible walls.
Destroying things restores a small amount of Health and Essence, with excess converted to Regen. Melee Power Attacks can break destructible walls.
Into the Fray
Into the Fray Active
Cost: 20 Essence
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Rank 1 (15): Reach forward, Taunting an enemy and pulling them towards you.
Rank 2 (18): Increases the range of Into the Fray by 66%.
Rank 3 (20): Into the Fray affects 3 enemies.
Reach forward, Taunting an enemy and pulling them towards you.
Reflect Passive
Rank 1 (15): A perfectly-timed Block with a shield or wand reflects arrows and similar projectiles back at the attacker.
Requires Unbreakable (Rank 1).
A perfectly-timed Block with a shield or wand reflects arrows and similar projectiles back at the attacker.
Retribution Passive
Duration: 5 seconds
Rank 1 (15): After taking damage from an enemy, your next attack within 5 seconds deals +70% of the original damage you received.
Rank 2 (18): After taking damage from an enemy, your next attack within 8 seconds deals +100% of the original damage you received.
Rank 3 (20): After taking damage from an enemy, your next attack within 10 seconds deals +120% of the original damage you received.
After taking damage from an enemy, your next attack within 5 seconds deals +70% of the original damage you received.
Clear Out
Clear Out Active
Cost: 60 Essence
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Rank 1 (20): Spin in a dangerous whirlwind, becoming Uninterruptable and hitting all nearby enemies with your currently equipped melee weapons.
Rank 2 (21): Clear Out lasts for 2 full rotations.
Rank 3 (22): Clear Out lasts for 3 full rotations.
Spin in a dangerous whirlwind, becoming Uninterruptable and hitting all nearby enemies with your currently equipped melee weapons.
Inspiring Triumph
Inspiring Triumph Passive
Rank 1 (20): Killing enemies restores 10% of your Companions' Maximum Health.
Rank 2 (21): Inspiring Triumph revives Incapacitated Companions and restores 20% of their Maximum Health.
Killing enemies restores 10% of your Companions' Maximum Health.
Tanglefoot Active
Cost: 20 Essence
Duration: 8 seconds
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Rank 1 (1): Summon lingering entangling vines that Root nearby enemies in place for 8 seconds.
Rank 2 (5): Vines deal Poison Accumulation.
Rank 3 (8): Increases the duration by 4 seconds.
Summon lingering entangling vines that Root nearby enemies in place for 8 seconds.
Survivalist Passive
Rank 1 (1): Food restores 20% more Health and Essence and bonus effect durations are increased by 20%.
Rank 2 (5): Unlock recipes for strong healing foods.
Rank 3 (8): Unlock recipes for foods with powerful effects.
Food restores 20% more Health and Essence and bonus effect durations are increased by 20%.
Parry Passive
Rank 1 (1): Time a perfect Block against a melee attack to knock the enemy back and gain an immediate counter-attack.
Rank 2 (5): Increases Parry efficiency by 25%, dealing greater Stun when Parrying enemies.
Rank 3 (8): Increases Parry efficiency by 50%, dealing greater Stun when Parrying enemies.
Time a perfect Block against a melee attack to knock the enemy back and gain an immediate counter-attack.
Steady Aim
Steady Aim Passive
Rank 1 (1): Holding your Power Attack with a bow or gun slows time by 25%.
Rank 2 (5): Holding your Power Attack with a bow or gun slows time by 50%.
Rank 3 (8): Holding your Power Attack with a bow or gun slows time by 75%.
Holding your Power Attack with a bow or gun slows time by 25%.
Evasive Passive
Rank 1 (1): Reduces the Stamina cost of Dodge by 25%.
Rank 2 (5): Reduces the Stamina cost of Dodge by 35%.
Rank 3 (8): Reduces the Stamina cost of Dodge by 50%.
Reduces the Stamina cost of Dodge by 25%.
Shadowing Beyond
Shadowing Beyond Active
Cost: 40 Essence
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Rank 1 (5): Channel the Beyond, becoming Invisible and draining Essence until your next combat action.
Rank 2 (8): While Invisible, gain increased Stealth Attack Damage and Move Speed.
Rank 3 (10): Reduces Essence drain while Invisible.
Channel the Beyond, becoming Invisible and draining Essence until your next combat action.
Piercing Thrusts
Piercing Thrusts Passive
Rank 1 (5): Power Attacks with daggers, swords, and spears deal +25% damage.
Rank 2 (8): Power Attacks with daggers, swords, and spears deal +35% damage.
Rank 3 (10): Power Attacks with daggers, swords, and spears deal +40% damage.
Power Attacks with daggers, swords, and spears deal +25% damage.
Finesse Passive
Rank 1 (5): Increases damage with one-handed melee weapons by 25%.
Rank 2 (10): Increases damage with one-handed melee weapons by 40%.
Rank 3 (15): Increases damage with one-handed melee weapons by 50%.
Increases damage with one-handed melee weapons by 25%.
Marksmanship Passive
Rank 1 (5): Increases damage with bows and guns by 25%.
Rank 2 (10): Increases damage with bows and guns by 40%.
Rank 3 (15): Increases damage with bows and guns by 50%.
Increases damage with bows and guns by 25%.
Scavenger Passive
Rank 1 (5): When picking herbs, occasionally receive an extra Upgrade Material.
Rank 2 (8): Crafting Upgrade Materials costs 25% less.
When picking herbs, occasionally receive an extra Upgrade Material.
Power Slide
Power Slide Passive
Cost: 20 Essence
Rank 1 (10): Your slides pass through enemies and knock them down at the cost of 20 Essence.
Rank 2 (13): Increases the slide distance and speed.
Rank 3 (15): Enemies knocked down by Power Slide take Stun.
Your slides pass through enemies and knock them down at the cost of 20 Essence.
Quick Switch
Quick Switch Passive
Rank 1 (10): Increases your Equip Speed by 50%.
Rank 2 (13): Guns in your inactive Loadout reload automatically after 3 seconds.
Increases your Equip Speed by 50%.
Arrow Deflection
Arrow Deflection Passive
Rank 1 (10): Melee weapons Block arrows or similar projectiles when Parrying.
Requires Parry (Rank 1).
Melee weapons Block arrows or similar projectiles when Parrying.
Bear Ally
Bear Ally Active
Cost: 50 Essence
Duration: 30 seconds
Cooldown: 25 seconds
Rank 1 (15): Summon a bear ally to aid you in battle for 30 seconds.
Rank 2 (18): Your bear ally roars when summoned, Taunting enemies and increasing the damage it deals.
Rank 3 (20): Increases the duration by 15 seconds.
Summon a bear ally to aid you in battle for 30 seconds.
Critical Strike
Critical Strike Passive
Rank 1 (15): Increases your Critical Hit Chance by 10%.
Rank 2 (18): Increases your Critical Hit Chance by 15%.
Rank 3 (20): Increases your Critical Hit Chance by 20%.
Increases your Critical Hit Chance by 10%.
Sniper Passive
Rank 1 (15): Increases ranged weapon damage against unaware enemies by 25%.
Rank 2 (18): Increases ranged weapon damage against unaware enemies by 35%.
Rank 3 (20): Increases ranged weapon damage against unaware enemies by 40%.
Increases ranged weapon damage against unaware enemies by 25%.
Flurry of Blows
Flurry of Blows Active
Cost: 70 Essence
Duration: 10 seconds
Cooldown: 25 seconds
Rank 1 (20): Gain maximum Attack Speed, rapid Stamina regeneration, and increased Move Speed for 10 seconds.
Rank 2 (21): Flurry Of Blows grants lifesteal to your weapon damage.
Rank 3 (22): Increases the duration by 5 seconds.
Gain maximum Attack Speed, rapid Stamina regeneration, and increased Move Speed for 10 seconds.
Staggering Shot
Staggering Shot Passive
Rank 1 (20): Power Attacks with bows and guns deal +40% Stun.
Rank 2 (21): Power Attacks with bows and guns deal +70% Stun.
Rank 3 (22): Power Attacks with bows and guns deal +90% Stun.
Power Attacks with bows and guns deal +40% Stun.
Minor Missiles
Minoletta's Minor Missiles Active
Cost: 25 Essence
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Rank 1 (1): Summons 3 magical projectiles that seek out enemies, dealing large amounts of damage to nearby enemies on impact.
Rank 2 (5): Summons 5 missiles.
Rank 3 (8): Summons 6 missiles.
Summons 3 magical projectiles that seek out enemies, dealing large amounts of damage to nearby enemies on impact.
Armored Essence
Armored Essence Passive
Rank 1 (1): Decreases the Essence penalty for Light and Medium armor by 15.
Rank 2 (5): Decreases the Essence penalty for Light and Medium armor by 25.
Rank 3 (8): Decreases the Essence penalty for Light and Medium armor by 30.
Decreases the Essence penalty for Light and Medium armor by 15.
Chill Blades
Chill Blades Active
Cost: 25 Essence
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Rank 1 (1): Summons blades of ice that blast forward, dealing Frost Accumulation at long distances.
Rank 2 (5): Blades deal Bleed Accumulation.
Rank 3 (8): Blades can pierce through multiple enemies.
Purchasing this wizard spell allows you to cast it without the need for a grimoire. Additionally, casting the purchased spell from a grimoire empowers it, casting it as if it were a Rank higher.
Summons blades of ice that blast forward, dealing Frost Accumulation at long distances.
Fan of Flames
Fan of Flames Active
Cost: 25 Essence
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Rank 1 (1): Creates a cone of fire in front of the caster, spreading Fire Accumulation to anyone in the area of effect.
Rank 2 (5): Use both hands to create two cones of fire, covering a larger area and dealing double the damage and Fire Accumulation.
Rank 3 (8): Increases the duration by 4 seconds.
Purchasing this wizard spell allows you to cast it without the need for a grimoire. Additionally, casting the purchased spell from a grimoire empowers it, casting it as if it were a Rank higher.
Creates a cone of fire in front of the caster, spreading Fire Accumulation to anyone in the area of effect.
Jolting Touch
Jolting Touch Active
Cost: 25 Essence
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Rank 1 (1): Channels a beam of electricity that jumps from the caster's fingers to the nearest enemy, and then to the next nearest enemy, causing decreasing amounts of Shock Accumulation.
Rank 2 (5): Jolting Touch hits an additional 2 enemies within range.
Rank 3 (8): The bolt is concentrated when used against a single enemy, dealing increased Shock Damage and Shock Accumulation.
Purchasing this wizard spell allows you to cast it without the need for a grimoire. Additionally, casting the purchased spell from a grimoire empowers it, casting it as if it were a Rank higher.
Channels a beam of electricity that jumps from the caster's fingers to the nearest enemy, and then to the next nearest enemy, causing decreasing amounts of Shock Accumulation.
Corrosive Siphon
Concelhaut's Corrosive Siphon Active
Cost: 25 Essence
Duration: 20 seconds
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Rank 1 (1): Channels a beam that eats away at an enemy's soul, inflicting periodic Poison Accumulation and converting that energy into Health for the caster.
Rank 2 (5): Enemies are Stunned in place for the duration of the siphon.
Rank 3 (8): The siphon gives Temporary Health when the caster's Health is full.
Purchasing this wizard spell allows you to cast it without the need for a grimoire. Additionally, casting the purchased spell from a grimoire empowers it, casting it as if it were a Rank higher.
Channels a beam that eats away at an enemy's soul, inflicting periodic Poison Accumulation and converting that energy into Health for the caster.
Parasitic Staff
Concelhaut's Parasitic Staff Active
Cost: 25 Essence
Duration: 30 seconds
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Rank 1 (1): Summons a staff of negative energy for 30 seconds that restores Essence to the wielder with every strike.
Rank 2 (5): At the cost of 20 Essence, Power Attacks create a large area of effect, dealing high Stun to enemies and restoring a proportional amount of Essence to the wielder.
Rank 3 (8): Increases summon duration to 45 seconds.
Purchasing this wizard spell allows you to cast it without the need for a grimoire. Additionally, casting the purchased spell from a grimoire empowers it, casting it as if it were a Rank higher.
Summons a staff of negative energy for 30 seconds that restores Essence to the wielder with every strike.
Arcane Veil
Arcane Veil Active
Cost: 10 Essence
Duration: 20 seconds
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Rank 1 (1): Invokes a powerful arcane shield for 20 seconds that makes your spell casting Uninterruptable and increases your Damage Reduction by 50%.
Rank 2 (5): Incoming arrows or similar projectiles are reflected back at enemies.
Rank 3 (8): Melee attackers are knocked back.
Purchasing this wizard spell allows you to cast it without the need for a grimoire. Additionally, casting the purchased spell from a grimoire empowers it, casting it as if it were a Rank higher.
Invokes a powerful arcane shield for 20 seconds that makes your spell casting Uninterruptable and increases your Damage Reduction by 50%.
Blast Passive
Rank 1 (5): Power Attacks with wands explode on impact, dealing reduced Stun and Explosive Damage to nearby enemies.
Rank 2 (8): Power Attacks with wands deal increased Stun. Nearby enemies caught in the explosion receive the same amount of Stun as the original attack.
Rank 3 (10): Nearby enemies caught in the explosion receive the same amount of damage as the original attack.
Power Attacks with wands explode on impact, dealing reduced Stun and Explosive Damage to nearby enemies.
Bounce Passive
Rank 1 (5): Power Attacks with wands bounce to a nearby enemy, dealing reduced damage but retaining any elemental Accumulation.
Rank 2 (8): Bounce hits an additional enemy within range.
Rank 3 (10): Bounce hits an additional enemies within range.
Power Attacks with wands bounce to a nearby enemy, dealing reduced damage but retaining any elemental Accumulation.
Wand Mastery
Wand Mastery Passive
Rank 1 (5): Increases damage with wands by 25%.
Rank 2 (10): Increases damage with wands by 40%.
Rank 3 (15): Increases damage with wands by 50%.
Increases damage with wands by 25%.
Grimoire Mastery
Grimoire Mastery Passive
Rank 1 (5): Unlock level 5 Grimoire spells and decrease the Essence cost of all Grimoire spells by 10%.
Rank 2 (7): Unlock level 10 Grimoire spells and decrease the Essence cost of all Grimoire spells by 15%.
Rank 3 (9): Unlock level 15 Grimoire spells and decrease the Essence cost of all Grimoire spells by 18%.
Rank 4 (11): Unlock level 20 Grimoire spells and decrease the Essence cost of all Grimoire spells by 20%.
Unlock level 5 Grimoire spells and decrease the Essence cost of all Grimoire spells by 10%.
Blizzard Active
Cost: 50 Essence
Duration: 3 seconds
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Rank 1 (5): Conjures a violent storm of ice and snow, pummeling nearby enemies with raining ice and Frost Accumulation.
Rank 2 (8): Reduces the cast time for Blizzard.
Rank 3 (10): Increases the duration by 6 seconds.
Purchasing this wizard spell allows you to cast it without the need for a grimoire. Additionally, casting the purchased spell from a grimoire empowers it, casting it as if it were a Rank higher. Requires Grimoire Mastery (Rank 1).
Conjures a violent storm of ice and snow, pummeling nearby enemies with raining ice and Frost Accumulation.
Fireball Active
Cost: 50 Essence
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Rank 1 (5): Conjures a bursting sphere of fire that leaves behind deadly lingering flames and Fire Accumulation.
Rank 2 (8): Increases the area of effect for Fireball.
Rank 3 (10): Reduces the cooldown for Fireball by 25%.
Purchasing this wizard spell allows you to cast it without the need for a grimoire. Additionally, casting the purchased spell from a grimoire empowers it, casting it as if it were a Rank higher. Requires Grimoire Mastery (Rank 1).
Conjures a bursting sphere of fire that leaves behind deadly lingering flames and Fire Accumulation.
Crackling Bolt
Crackling Bolt Active
Cost: 50 Essence
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Rank 1 (5): Conjures a powerful bolt of electricity that bounces between enemies and the environment 3 times, dealing high Shock Accumulation and Stun.
Rank 2 (8): Bounces between enemies and the environment 6 times.
Rank 3 (10): Bounces between enemies and the environment 8 times.
Purchasing this wizard spell allows you to cast it without the need for a grimoire. Additionally, casting the purchased spell from a grimoire empowers it, casting it as if it were a Rank higher. Requires Grimoire Mastery (Rank 1).
Conjures a powerful bolt of electricity that bounces between enemies and the environment 3 times, dealing high Shock Accumulation and Stun.
Bristling Frost
Bristling Frost Active
Cost: 40 Essence
Duration: 20 seconds
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Rank 1 (5): The caster is surrounded by a protective frost that increases Damage Reduction by 10% and deals Frost Accumulation to enemy melee attackers.
Rank 2 (8): Incoming melee damage creates an area of effect that deals Frost Accumulation to nearby enemies.
Rank 3 (10): Reduces the cooldown of Bristling Frost by 5 seconds and increases Damage Reduction to 15%.
Purchasing this wizard spell allows you to cast it without the need for a grimoire. Additionally, casting the purchased spell from a grimoire empowers it, casting it as if it were a Rank higher. Requires Grimoire Mastery (Rank 1).
The caster is surrounded by a protective frost that increases Damage Reduction by 10% and deals Frost Accumulation to enemy melee attackers.
Grimoire Snap
Grimoire Snap Active
Cost: 35 Essence
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Rank 1 (5): Forcefully snap your grimoire shut, expelling a shockwave of Explosive Damage that knocks nearby enemies back and deals Stun.
Rank 2 (8): Grimoire Snap deals increased Stun and can knock tougher enemies back.
Rank 3 (10): Reduces the Essence cost by 30%.
Purchasing this wizard spell allows you to cast it without the need for a grimoire. Additionally, casting the purchased spell from a grimoire empowers it, casting it as if it were a Rank higher. Requires Grimoire Mastery (Rank 1).
Forcefully snap your grimoire shut, expelling a shockwave of Explosive Damage that knocks nearby enemies back and deals Stun.
Blood Magic
Blood Magic Passive
Rank 1 (10): When Essence is depleted, you may continue casting by reducing your Health by 150% of the Essence cost.
Rank 2 (13): When Essence is depleted, you may continue casting by reducing your Health by 125% of the Essence cost.
Rank 3 (15): When Essence is depleted, you may continue casting by reducing your Health by 110% of the Essence cost.
When Essence is depleted, you may continue casting by reducing your Health by 150% of the Essence cost.
Harvest Essence
Harvest Essence Passive
Rank 1 (10): The Essence fragments dropped by defeated enemies restore 2 times as much Essence.
Rank 2 (13): The Essence fragments dropped by defeated enemies restore 3 times as much Essence.
Rank 3 (15): The Essence fragments dropped by defeated enemies restore 4 times as much Essence.
The Essence fragments dropped by defeated enemies restore 2 times as much Essence.
Blast of Frost
Blast of Frost Active
Cost: 75 Essence
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Rank 1 (10): Channels a cone of frost that blasts enemies with Frost Accumulation.
Rank 2 (13): Use both hands to create two cones of frost, covering a larger area and dealing double the damage and Frost Accumulation.
Rank 3 (15): Increases the duration by 4 seconds.
Purchasing this wizard spell allows you to cast it without the need for a grimoire. Additionally, casting the purchased spell from a grimoire empowers it, casting it as if it were a Rank higher. Requires Grimoire Mastery (Rank 2).
Channels a cone of frost that blasts enemies with Frost Accumulation.
Ring of Fire
Ring of Fire Active
Cost: 75 Essence
Duration: 20 seconds
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Rank 1 (10): Speedy Salvo
Rank 2 (13): Incoming melee damage creates an area of effect that deals Fire Accumulation to nearby enemies.
Rank 3 (15): Reduces the cooldown of Ring of Fire by 5 seconds and increases Damage Reduction to 20%.
Purchasing this wizard spell allows you to cast it without the need for a grimoire. Additionally, casting the purchased spell from a grimoire empowers it, casting it as if it were a Rank higher. Requires Grimoire Mastery (Rank 2).
Speedy Salvo
Returning Storm
Returning Storm Active
Cost: 75 Essence
Duration: 8 seconds
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Rank 1 (10): Conjures a powerful thunderstorm that strikes the earth with lightning bolts, dealing Stun and Shock Accumulation to nearby enemies.
Rank 2 (13): Enemies caught in the beginning of the storm are Rooted in place for 4 seconds.
Rank 3 (15): Increases the frequency of lightning bolt strikes.
Purchasing this wizard spell allows you to cast it without the need for a grimoire. Additionally, casting the purchased spell from a grimoire empowers it, casting it as if it were a Rank higher. Requires Grimoire Mastery (Rank 2).
Conjures a powerful thunderstorm that strikes the earth with lightning bolts, dealing Stun and Shock Accumulation to nearby enemies.
Spirit Lance
Citzal's Spirit Lance Active
Cost: 50 Essence
Duration: 30 seconds
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Rank 1 (10): Summons a magical spear for 30 seconds that releases Explosive Damage around each successful hit, damaging nearby enemies.
Rank 2 (13): Power Attacks produce a much larger explosion and deal greater damage.
Rank 3 (15): Increases summon duration to 45 seconds.
Purchasing this wizard spell allows you to cast it without the need for a grimoire. Additionally, casting the purchased spell from a grimoire empowers it, casting it as if it were a Rank higher. Requires Grimoire Mastery (Rank 2).
Summons a magical spear for 30 seconds that releases Explosive Damage around each successful hit, damaging nearby enemies.
Missile Salvo
Minoletta's Missile Salvo Active
Cost: 75 Essence
Duration: 6 seconds
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Rank 1 (10): Conjures a sphere of arcane energy that rises upwards, unleashing a destructive volley of missiles that seeks nearby enemies.
Rank 2 (13): If any survivors remain after the final missile, the sphere smashes into the enemy with the highest Health, dealing high Stun.
Rank 3 (15): Increases the rate of fire for the missile barrage.
Purchasing this wizard spell allows you to cast it without the need for a grimoire. Additionally, casting the purchased spell from a grimoire empowers it, casting it as if it were a Rank higher. Requires Grimoire Mastery (Rank 2).
Conjures a sphere of arcane energy that rises upwards, unleashing a destructive volley of missiles that seeks nearby enemies.
Secret of Rime
Secret of Rime Passive
Rank 1 (15): Increases the amount of Frost Accumulation you deal by 20%.
Rank 2 (18): Increases the amount of Frost Accumulation you deal by 35%.
Rank 3 (20): Increases the amount of Frost Accumulation you deal by 45%.
Increases the amount of Frost Accumulation you deal by 20%.
Scion of Flame
Scion of Flame Passive
Rank 1 (15): Increases the amount of Fire Accumulation you deal by 20%.
Rank 2 (18): Increases the amount of Fire Accumulation you deal by 35%.
Rank 3 (20): Increases the amount of Fire Accumulation you deal by 45%.
Increases the amount of Fire Accumulation you deal by 20%.
Heart of the Storm
Heart of the Storm Passive
Rank 1 (15): Increases the amount of Shock Accumulation you deal by 20%.
Rank 2 (18): Increases the amount of Shock Accumulation you deal by 35%.
Rank 3 (20): Increases the amount of Shock Accumulation you deal by 45%.
Increases the amount of Shock Accumulation you deal by 20%.
Spirit of Decay
Spirit of Decay Passive
Rank 1 (15): Increases the amount of Poison Accumulation you deal by 20%.
Rank 2 (18): Increases the amount of Poison Accumulation you deal by 35%.
Rank 3 (20): Increases the amount of Poison Accumulation you deal by 45%.
Increases the amount of Poison Accumulation you deal by 20%.
Freezing Pillar
Ninagauth's Freezing Pillar Active
Cost: 120 Essence
Duration: 20 seconds
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Rank 1 (15): Drives a large pillar of frigid ice into the ground, dealing damage and high Frost Accumulation to nearby enemies.
Rank 2 (18): The pillar no longer breaks on impact but remains as a lingering frost area of effect. The pillar shatters after taking damage or 20 seconds have passed, sending out Explosive Damage to nearby enemies.
Rank 3 (20): Reduces the Essence cost by 25%.
Purchasing this wizard spell allows you to cast it without the need for a grimoire. Additionally, casting the purchased spell from a grimoire empowers it, casting it as if it were a Rank higher. Requires Grimoire Mastery (Rank 3).
Drives a large pillar of frigid ice into the ground, dealing damage and high Frost Accumulation to nearby enemies.
Caedebald's Blackbow Active
Cost: 80 Essence
Duration: 30 seconds
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Rank 1 (15): Summons a magical bow for 30 seconds with arrows that deal high Poison Accumulation.
Rank 2 (18): Power Attacks pierce through enemies, only stopping when they hit the environment.
Rank 3 (20): Increases summon duration to 45 seconds.
Purchasing this wizard spell allows you to cast it without the need for a grimoire. Additionally, casting the purchased spell from a grimoire empowers it, casting it as if it were a Rank higher. Requires Grimoire Mastery (Rank 3).
Summons a magical bow for 30 seconds with arrows that deal high Poison Accumulation.
Pull of Eora
Pull of Eora Active
Cost: 70 Essence
Duration: 12 seconds
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Rank 1 (15): Cast upon a location to pierce the Beyond, pulling 2 nearby enemies and suspending them in the vortex.
Rank 2 (18): Affects 3 enemies.
Rank 3 (20): Affects 4 enemies.
Purchasing this wizard spell allows you to cast it without the need for a grimoire. Additionally, casting the purchased spell from a grimoire empowers it, casting it as if it were a Rank higher. Requires Grimoire Mastery (Rank 3).
Cast upon a location to pierce the Beyond, pulling 2 nearby enemies and suspending them in the vortex.
Meteor Shower
Meteor Shower Active
Cost: 125 Essence
Duration: 10 seconds
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Rank 1 (20): Conjures a cataclysmic shower of destructive meteors that rain down upon the area, dealing high damage and Fire Accumulation to nearby enemies.
Rank 2 (21): Meteors break on impact, leaving lingering flames on the ground.
Rank 3 (22): Reduces the Essence cost by 20%.
Purchasing this wizard spell allows you to cast it without the need for a grimoire. Additionally, casting the purchased spell from a grimoire empowers it, casting it as if it were a Rank higher. Requires Grimoire Mastery (Rank 4).
Conjures a cataclysmic shower of destructive meteors that rain down upon the area, dealing high damage and Fire Accumulation to nearby enemies.
Arcane Seal
Arcane Seal Active
Cost: 10 Essence
Duration: 30 seconds
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Rank 1 (20): Conjures an Arcane Seal at your feet for 30 seconds. Your Essence regenerates while you stand within the seal's lingering area of effect.
Rank 2 (21): Increases your maximum Ability Cast Speed while within the seal.
Rank 3 (22): Enemies within the seal are slowed.
Purchasing this wizard spell allows you to cast it without the need for a grimoire. Additionally, casting the purchased spell from a grimoire empowers it, casting it as if it were a Rank higher. Requires Grimoire Mastery (Rank 4).
Conjures an Arcane Seal at your feet for 30 seconds. Your Essence regenerates while you stand within the seal's lingering area of effect.
Thanks to Tzolak for DNS help!

Would you like to contribute? Contact Frisbees on the Obsidian or Avowed subreddit Discord with grimoires, translation offers or corrections!