Summons 3 magical projectiles that seek out enemies, dealing large amounts of damage to nearby enemies on impact.
Decreases the Essence penalty for Light and Medium armor by 15.
Summons blades of ice that blast forward, dealing Frost Accumulation at long distances.
Creates a cone of fire in front of the caster, spreading Fire Accumulation to anyone in the area of effect.
Channels a beam of electricity that jumps from the caster's fingers to the nearest enemy, and then to the next nearest enemy, causing decreasing amounts of Shock Accumulation.
Channels a beam that eats away at an enemy's soul, inflicting periodic Poison Accumulation and converting that energy into Health for the caster.
Summons a staff of negative energy for 30 seconds that restores Essence to the wielder with every strike.
Invokes a powerful arcane shield for 20 seconds that makes your spell casting Uninterruptable and increases your Damage Reduction by 50%.
Power Attacks with wands explode on impact, dealing reduced Stun and Explosive Damage to nearby enemies.
Power Attacks with wands bounce to a nearby enemy, dealing reduced damage but retaining any elemental Accumulation.
Wand Mastery
Increases damage with wands by 25%.
Unlock level 5 Grimoire spells and decrease the Essence cost of all Grimoire spells by 10%.
Conjures a violent storm of ice and snow, pummeling nearby enemies with raining ice and Frost Accumulation.
Conjures a bursting sphere of fire that leaves behind deadly lingering flames and Fire Accumulation.
Conjures a powerful bolt of electricity that bounces between enemies and the environment 3 times, dealing high Shock Accumulation and Stun.
The caster is surrounded by a protective frost that increases Damage Reduction by 10% and deals Frost Accumulation to enemy melee attackers.
Forcefully snap your grimoire shut, expelling a shockwave of Explosive Damage that knocks nearby enemies back and deals Stun.
When Essence is depleted, you may continue casting by reducing your Health by 150% of the Essence cost.
The Essence fragments dropped by defeated enemies restore 2 times as much Essence.
Channels a cone of frost that blasts enemies with Frost Accumulation.
Conjures a powerful thunderstorm that strikes the earth with lightning bolts, dealing Stun and Shock Accumulation to nearby enemies.
Summons a magical spear for 30 seconds that releases Explosive Damage around each successful hit, damaging nearby enemies.
Conjures a sphere of arcane energy that rises upwards, unleashing a destructive volley of missiles that seeks nearby enemies.
Increases the amount of Frost Accumulation you deal by 20%.
Increases the amount of Fire Accumulation you deal by 20%.
Increases the amount of Shock Accumulation you deal by 20%.
Increases the amount of Poison Accumulation you deal by 20%.
Drives a large pillar of frigid ice into the ground, dealing damage and high Frost Accumulation to nearby enemies.
Summons a magical bow for 30 seconds with arrows that deal high Poison Accumulation.
Cast upon a location to pierce the Beyond, pulling 2 nearby enemies and suspending them in the vortex.